Coconut Oil Anti-Fungal, Mold


Coconut Oil Anti-Fungal, Mold

Virgin coconut oil retains more fatty acid content. Its important component, lauric acid, can be converted into antibacterial and antiviral substances in the human body, inhibiting a variety of bacteria, fungi and viruses, such as Helicobacter pylori that causes gastric ulcers, or herpes and influenza viruses, so virgin coconut oil can strengthen Ecosystem of skin and intestinal mucosa. Caprylic acid in it is also antifungal, helping to prevent and regulate mold infections.

Classical experiments have confirmed that high-quality coconut oil is used to treat fungal infections, whether it occurs in the intestines or the skin, can bring good results. Traditional Chinese medicine has used a diet rich in virgin coconut oil to control fungal infections. Taiwanese Dr. Chen Lichuan also wrote in the book “Fats and Oils Save Your Life”: “Coconut oil is a natural antibiotic that can effectively kill bacteria without side effects.”

Women are more likely to develop yeast infections or candidiasis. Studies have shown that Candida albicans has the highest susceptibility (100%) to virgin coconut oil, and given the emerging species of resistant Candida, coconut oil can be used to treat fungal infections.

Other studies have shown that both capric and lauric acids are effective in killing Candida albicans and thus may be useful in the treatment of infections or other skin or mucous membrane disorders caused by this pathogen, possibly with antibiotics over an extended period of time. combined treatment.

8 Antioxidants

As we all know, toxins in the human body will generate free radicals, which will increase the burden on the body and cause various pain and sub-health problems. And coconut oil just has the effect of scavenging free radicals in the human body.

Dr. Bruce Fife, chairman of the Coconut Research and Development Center, pointed out in his books “Coconut Cures” and “The Coconut Oil Miracle” that medium-chain fatty acids are a powerful A weapon that destroys the lipid outer layer of many viruses and scavenges free radicals in the human body.

The powerful antibacterial function of coconut oil can not only kill harmful viruses, but also gradually excrete accumulated toxins from the body, and can provide rich nutrition, so eating coconut oil is a natural and effective way of health preservation.


atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis (AD-Atopic Dermatitis) is a chronic skin disease characterized by defects in epidermal barrier function and skin inflammation, resulting in impaired water retention capacity of the stratum corneum due to increased transepidermal water loss (TEWL).


Virgin coconut oil is more effective than mineral oil in relieving common childhood atopic dermatitis. In addition to the skin care ingredients contained in mineral oil, coconut oil also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

A randomized, double-blind, clinical trial study showed that in pediatric patients with mild to moderate AD-Atopic Dermatitis, 47% of patients in the topical virgin coconut oil group achieved moderate improvement, 46% Shows excellent improvement. In the mineral oil group, 34% of patients showed moderate improvement and 19% achieved excellent improvement.

Virgin coconut oil also has great antibacterial and emollient properties for adults with atopic dermatitis. And compared to using virgin olive oil, the relative risk is lower.

0massage oil

The composition of coconut oil is closer to human subcutaneous fat than other vegetable oils. It is not greasy, and has good penetration. It is easily absorbed by the skin and brings a smooth feeling to the skin. It is the preferred oil for many people to do aromatherapy massage.


Especially safe and non-toxic, it can be used for baby massage, and it is harmless to enter the mouth. Research has found that massaging premature babies with coconut oil can have a positive effect on their weight gain.


Post time: Mar-24-2022